This room accommodates children from 6 weeks to 2.5 years
In the Mumbal room, there is a maximum of 12 children per day. There are 4 qualified educators that consist of the Room Leader (Diploma Children’s Services) and 3 educators (Certificate 3 in Early Childhood Education and Care) and a trainee.
The children are nurtured and educated in a calm and inviting learning environment, to promote a sense of ‘belonging’ where their needs are responded to, and they are respected and recognised for
who they are becoming.

The play-based, child-centred program is developed to meet needs and milestones of each child, incorporating the concepts of the National Quality Framework and the outcomes, principles and practices from ‘Belonging, Being & Becoming’ (The Early Years Learning Framework of Australia,
V2.0, 2022.)

Secure, respectful and reciprocal relationships are the keystones for optimal learning, development and wellbeing for children. The Mumbal team work in collaboration with families, who are the
childrens’ first teachers, to ensure a smooth transition into the care environment. These
partnerships continue as the children are supported in their learning, development and wellbeing.

From the very beginning, the children are provided with experiences to develop their autonomous identities, enhance their physical and emotional wellbeing, to be creative and curious, to understand
the importance of staying safe and healthy and to care for others and the world around them, while learning about being ‘citizen’ in the community that is PECC.